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 The area around the back of the arms is a bother to many women. The most suitable way to handle this issue is not through spot-reduction. It is impractical to expect to lose weight in only a specific area of your body and therefore, you must not make one part of your body the focus your fitness plan. If you are on an all-out war against arm flab; there is more to it than the option of spot-treatment.


To tone those tricky muscles found at the back of the arms – triceps muscles – consider the following: choosing particular workouts to enhance your muscle mass (lean) is a good idea, but it happens to be quite important to be cautious in the reduction of the amount of calories you consume to avoid losing too much muscle. So for better results, focus on a well-balanced diet with the right nutrients.


Enjoy at least 6 – 8 hours of deep sleep to allow reparation, recovery, and build-up of muscle in the body and best of all, exercise regularly. It is recommended for you to drink a lot of water daily (Take water equivalent to half your overall body weight). This is to say, if you weigh 100 lbs, your daily water intake should be 50 ounces. Water is very important as it makes you feel fuller and vigilant throughout the day. It also helps your body flush out toxic elements.


The following exercises can work wonders if your target is to lose that fat around the arms so it is wise to incorporate them in your workout plan. In order to achieve the best from each exercise, do it back to back without ceasing, repeating the same as many times as you can in a span of 30 to 60 seconds.


Thumb Downs

This workout requires you to first stand with your feet astride while your toes point outwards. Make sure your knees are in the right position with your toes. With your spine positioned neutrally, raise your chin and pull in your hips. The next step is stretching your arms (both) outwards putting the right over the left and vice-versa while keeping the hands in the thumbs up position. Turn the thumbs in and then downwards (gesturing emptying a bottle of water). Gradually lower the arms with the thumbs closely brushing the inside part of your thighs until they converge. Lastly, in one quick move, lift up the arms as high as you can, going through the same descent angle.


Bridging the Gap

Here, what you need is position yourself with your back at a certain corner of the wall; move your feet forward while keeping your head and back on the wall. At 90º, raise your arms while bending your elbows. Simultaneously, press your shoulder blades while at the same time trying to contract your triceps and driving the elbows into the wall to raise the body. This should help you end up in an upright position.


Hands of Time

This involves placing yourself in a pushup position with your feet fully stretched outwards and hands directly under the shoulders. In a slight move, raise your right hand from the ground and start doing anticlockwise moves (make as many as you can in 15 to 30 seconds). Repeat the same but in the opposite direction (clockwise). In all these, remember to keep your circling muscle triceps contracted for optimum results while keeping your hips leveled.



While in a kneeling position, hold your big toes together and sit on the heels. In this position, separate the knees as wide as the hips and stretch the arms in front with the palms on the floor while placing your arms shoulder-width like it is done in yoga (child’s pose). After that, move your hips forth placing yourself in a push up position while trying to get yourself as close to the ground with the chest as possible. Make sure the knees remain on the ground. In order to optimize tricep development, the elbows should remain tight on the side. Pull back.


Body Rockers

While supporting the upper part of your body with your elbows, begin working out in an ordinary plank pose with legs fully stretched. The next step is to replace the elbows with your hands until you arrive at the usual push up position. At this particular position, make sure that the upper body is supported by the hands. Go back to the elbows. Given that triceps form the largest part of the muscles in your arms, it is obvious that they are highly responsible for definition of the upper body. As such, this workout regime targeting to tone up the muscle in the arms does not only help you burn the fat in the arms but strengthens your core and tightens up your waistline as well.


You may find great videos on youtube that may help you understand better what I have described above.


How does it work?

By working out 3 days every week and doing 3 sets of the approved number of times for each exercise, you will be able to obtain better and long term fat loss in your arms. It is, however, important to use appropriate form and you shouldn’t worry much about completing the workout within a short time.


After adding all these to what you call your daily routine, it is highly likely that after sometime, you will be out there showing off your smooth and sexy arms. The good thing with this work out is that you will not only be targeting the arms but the entire body and therefore, you will have definitely killed two birds using one stone. is a site that I thought provides awesome advice on  how to lose belly fat which is also another problematic thing for many people.


However, you may have realized that achieving these great results is not an easy task; you will require full commitment to your weight loss plan to get there. It takes time and a resilient heart to beat the odds - thus it is good to note that nothing good comes that easily. Prepare yourself well and since you are hoping for the best, prepare for the worst as well. Although it sounds hard, the benefits of having a body physique that appeals to you overrides the difficulties associated with the process – it is worth the effort!

The Best Workouts to Help You Burn Fat around Your Arms

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